The Stories (with Scripture reference):
1. Creation: Genesis 1-2
2. Fall of Man: Genesis 3
3. Noah & the flood: Genesis 6-9
4. Tower of Babel: Genesis 11
5. God's promise to Abraham: Genesis 12:1-7; 15:1-6
6. Joseph: Genesis 37-50
7. Moses & the Exodus: Exodus 2-40
8. David made King: 1 Samuel 16:1-3; 2 Samuel 5:4; 7:1-28
9. Isaiah- The Promise of the Savior: Isaiah 53
10. Promised Savior's Birth: 1:5-24; Matthew 1:18-25, Matthew 1-2; Luke 2:1-34, 39-40
12. Jesus' baptism: Luke 3:1-3; Matthew 3:7-9, 13-15
13. Assurance of salvation: John 10:14-39
14. Jesus heals a blind man: Luke 18:15-17; 31-42
15. Triumphal entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday story): Luke 19:28-44, 47-48
16. The arrest and trial of Jesus: Luke 22:39; 23:13-21; Matthew 26:36, 45-67; 27:1-2. 11-14, 24-26
17. Jesus' execution: Luke 23:32-56
18. Alive! (Resurrection story): Luke 24:1-7. 36-47; Matthew 28: 19-20; Acts 1:8-11
A neighbor putting the ornament on the tree...
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