Sunday, September 26, 2010

Your hand upholds the world

I have been longing to put some pictures and such up on my walls for some time now, but I haven't had the time.  But, yesterday, I had a glorious day at home and used the opportunity to do a little "fluffination" (also known as home decorating).

One of the items that I have wanted to hang is a drawing that my sweet friend and college roommate Daira drew for me.  It's God's hands holding the world.  I found the perfect spot for it between two sconces in my dining area.

This morning at Watermark Church in Ashford, Alabama, we sang a beautiful song called "Stronghold" written by my beautiful and talented friend Cassidy Robinson.  It made me smile that we sang this song about His hands upholding the world the day after I put this picture on my wall.  Do you think He's trying to tell me something?

Here is the You Tube video of Cassidy performing her song.  The lyrics are so powerful, reminding us that He is our refuge and stronghold.  And He holds everything in His hands.

You can find Cassidy's album entitled New Day on iTunes.

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